Our Values

TROSA's Values

TROSA is a recovery program that empowers individuals with substance use disorders to change their lives. We provide a safe, supportive place for residents to realize and affirm their self-worth, and learn to live in recovery.

Our core values are Honesty, Courage, Commitment, and Community. As a peer-driven treatment program, we support and learn from each other.

We believe that change is possible, that everyone should have the opportunity to pursue a better life, and that every member of the TROSA community is a valued agent of change in a resident’s goal towards leading a life in recovery. TROSA serves a diverse population. We are committed to providing treatment regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, financial circumstance, sexual orientation, and gender.

We acknowledge and celebrate the balance of bringing together any individual from any background who needs a nonjudgmental and safe place to seek recovery.

We understand that different experiences, life circumstances, environments, and past situations and relationships can inform the trajectory of one’s path to recovery and can help to enrich and expand the overall benefit of our community. We recognize that we must continue to accept individuals for whoever they are and provide a platform for personal and communal growth that promotes recovery.

We encourage and provide space for TROSA staff and residents to address any concerns, ideas, or questions about our campus values.

At TROSA, we believe in the principle of “Each One Teach One” and that we all deserve an opportunity to affect change in our communities and in our own personal lives.

We are an organization that grows and changes as we continually strive to ensure that each element or activity of TROSA’s program reinforces the connections to our community.