Graduates complete TROSA's addiction treatment program
On November 3, 2024, TROSA staff, residents, and invited guests celebrated our newest cohort completing TROSA’s addiction treatment program.
Graduates are individuals who have completed two years of TROSA’s addiction treatment program. To celebrate their achievements, we hold formal graduation ceremonies throughout the year attended by family, friends, and peers in recovery.

"My past will never define me."
During our ceremonies, graduates have the opportunity to deliver remarks to our guests, including invited family and friends.
Christina was among those celebrating and accepting their program diploma.
Christina shared the following insight into her addiction: “I never saw my life headed in this direction. I always wanted to be seen as in control, because I was too embarrassed to make a mistake.
“Two years ago I felt broken. I wanted more for my life, but at the time I didn’t really know how to achieve it. All I knew was that from ‘day one’ I came here with a purpose…and my whole time here, I have never lost that purpose. It has helped drive me to become someone I’ve never been prouder of.”
Christina thanked TROSA staff, her peers in recovery, and her family. She also addressed herself in her remarks, commending herself for putting in the work and dedication to change her life:
“I want to thank myself…for doing the work that needed to be done to save your life. Thank you for opening up, applying yourself, and giving yourself a chance to become someone that you can be proud of.
“At TROSA, I’ve gained the ability to know my worth, and that my past will never define me. But my past will always drive me.”
TROSA Day Proclamation
To start the ceremony, TROSA President and CEO Keith Artin read from a special proclamation issued by the City of Durham Mayor’s Office.
The proclamation shared that November 3, 2024, was declared “TROSA Day” in honor of TROSA’s 30th year in service to individuals with substance use disorders, recognizing TROSA as a key member of the greater Durham and statewide recovery community.
The proclamation stated that TROSA has been a vital partner along the continuum of care, removing barriers to recovery by providing our multi-year residential program free of charge while working to eradicate the stigma of addiction.
The proclamation also recognized that TROSA has served as a model for treatment programs by developing community connections and partnerships, fostering personal self-worth and dignity, and empowering individuals to lead healthy, happy, and productive lives in our community.
Congratulations to all of our graduates throughout our 30 years!