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Are There Free Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Programs in NC?

Treatment programs can range in price, depending on your unique circumstances and the type of treatment that’s best for you. If you are unable to afford the cost of a drug and alcohol rehab program, there are free drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs in North Carolina. But finding the best free drug and alcohol rehab program for you can be challenging. This article will cover some user-friendly and vetted websites that are useful when looking for free drug and alcohol rehabilitation facilities in North Carolina.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Treatment Finder

SAMHSA is a federal government agency that provides information and referrals to drug and alcohol addiction treatment programs, including programs that are free. You can use the search function on the “Find Treatment” homepage to locate a substance use treatment facility that’s closest to you, or you can use the location field to find programs in other counties and states. In addition, you can use the filters on the homepage to find programs that are for men, women, adolescents, adults, and for families. Some of the facilities that are listed on the homepage may also be available for virtual visits or phone appointments.

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAA), Alcohol Treatment Navigator (ATN)

The NIAAA is a government agency that provides information and referrals to free alcohol addiction treatment programs in North Carolina. The NIAAA Alcohol Treatment Navigator is an online tool that can help you find a free alcohol addiction treatment program in North Carolina. The tool provides information about the program, such as location, program type, payment methods, and contact information. The tool also provides the first steps to helping you find and develop a professional assessment and treatment plan.

Addiction Treatment Locator, Assessment and Standards Platform (ATLAS)

ATLAS is a website that helps you find free drug and alcohol addiction treatment in your area. The website is a comprehensive database that shows available free drug and alcohol addiction treatment programs in North Carolina. It is a resource for anyone who is looking for free drug and alcohol addiction treatment facilities. The website is a useful tool for those who are looking for treatment programs in North Carolina because it lists treatment centers by county.

North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NC DHHS) Resources Page

The NC DHHS website has a Mental Health and Substance Abuse page dedicated to information about addiction and substance abuse services, mental health services, and information about treatment centers. You can learn more about substance use treatment and resources in North Carolina on their website.


These websites can help you find drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs in North Carolina that are free. TROSA is an award-winning and peer-driven program that provides free housing, meals, clothing, health services, vocational and life skills training, mentorship, counseling, and more. Visit our website’s Program Services page to learn more about our program.