Men and women come to TROSA to change their lives. Many have criminal records as a result of living in addiction and may face barriers to securing housing, getting certain jobs, and fully participating as productive members of their communities.
Thanks to our partners at Duke Law School, Legal Aid of North Carolina, and the Durham Expunction & Restoration Program (DEAR), TROSA residents are receiving transformative second-chances.
Nearly 40 Duke Law students volunteered to work with licensed attorneys to help TROSA residents determine if they were eligible to expunge one or more criminal records, including both dismissed charges and older nonviolent convictions. The students worked with the supervising attorneys to review the cases of 25 TROSA residents and prepared the needed petitions. TROSA residents were able to learn more about their cases, their options, and their next steps.
Our thanks to Duke University School of Law for writing an informative article about this year’s clinic. Click here to read Duke Law’s article written by Sean Rowe.