On November 7, 2021 TROSA celebrated one of its largest graduating classes in recent years. TROSA hosts formal graduation ceremonies four times each year, honoring the most recent graduates to complete TROSA’s two-year treatment program for substance use disorder. This was our second in-person graduation ceremony since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. To maintain social distancing and capacity protocols for our campus, the graduating class was celebrated in two ceremonies and both ceremonies were livestreamed to our graduates’ family and friends watching at home.
TROSA President and CEO Keith Artin addressed the graduates with these words:
“Today we are celebrating the determination, courage, hard work, and inspiring spirit of our newest graduates.
You know more than anyone the challenges faced. Not just in maintaining your recovery—but in staying positive and committed to changing your lives during a global pandemic. This is a huge accomplishment. You are strong. You are leaders. You are truly extraordinary individuals. And I want you to remember this…and to remember that you have an entire community here at TROSA cheering you on.
Today is also a celebration of your future…and what you will do with that future. Remember your community…stay connected to each other. TROSA will always be here for you…and we will continue to celebrate you.”
We are so proud of our graduates and all those who strive for a better life in recovery!